Project 2097 (en)

When ww3 is over, every "human being" on the planet will be gulaged in a 15 minute city, injected with bioweapons, chipped with micro tags and completely brainwashed and censored.
Nothing has slowed down this genocidal evil project; in fact, people seem to want this.

BUT, the Elítes know that this will drive people more insane than people already are, and that's were people like space-force and elon-musk comes in, and wag-the-dog studios.

People will be made to believe that "human beings" are colonizing the moon and mars, and will be fed constant soap/news and docuseries on how the colonization and technology is winding on.

This is project 2097.


When you do your homework, properly, you discover that all wars of all times, have only to do with one thing and one thing only; slaughter of the public and enrichment of fewer than five mega funds of the same eleven families. Everything else is a fraud, and the idea of taking sides in a war, is fantastic suicidal illusion.

There is no exception to this. The same with ALL elections.

The only solution, is a total cognitive boycott.


Íslensk eftirskrift:

Öll þjóðríki 1913, 1919, 1938 og 1950, höfðu sams konar stjórnkerfi, sams konar menntun, sams konar iðnað, sams konar spillingu. ÖLL STRÍÐ ERU MORÐ ELÍTUNNAR Á ALMENNINGI, og kosníngar hennar eru leiksýning fyrir kjána.
Gerði myndskeið á Íslensku í gær sem er framhald á myndskeiðinu "langt spjall um ekkert" frá 16. þessa mánaðar. Sjá hér:

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