Glósa - 20231019 [en]

dr. Naomi Wolf: "... normal human history doesn-t move in lock step around the world in exactly the same way this I-ve had to conclude and also normal human history there are like factions and betrayals and dissident and you know Rivals and none of that is happening with this I-ve had to conclude that this there-s something metaphysical at work here and that we-re in literally a Biblical time in which there is a battle between good and evil and this is playing out on a material plane but it-s a manifestation of massive dark Forces that really just hate humanity and that this is a test for Humanity and that literally I don-t see survival I-m not prizing just for me personally I have become much more sure that I need God and that God is the way we-re going to get out of this and that we-re not going to get out of this without God so that is that is my conclusion which I hope is hopeful because it means there-s a way out of it and I guess the I always sort of End by saying paraphrasing um the Old Testament the Hebrew Bible If my people who who are called in my name will humble themselves and turn to me then I will have mercy on"


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