Fimmtudagur, 15. september 2022
Stuttur enskustķll
There is no difference between manipulated elections in France, UK, USA, Sweden, Iceland, or Russia, except when the result is what your group wished for. All of it is staged, all of it is manipulated, all of it is for the benefit of atomized and confused discourse. How many people do actually read a post like this, and how many of those actually understand it? None and none.
Democracy has always been the demonic invention of the souls of the drowned Nephilim - half angels and half humans, waging a war on humanity first to erase the humans that they hate and second to find the DNA science to manifest themselves in bodies again.
Demockery, Demonicracy. Try to wake someone up to this one.
Yup, you got it: Fallen angels are not demons. Demons and Fairies are the same specie, the souls of Nephilims. Being fairy possessed makes you all sweet, like most of the leaders of the Antivists.
Further explanation is awailable.
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